PageSpinner AppleScript Dictionary
Since the AppleScript support is currently in development you should access the application's dictionary by dropping the application's icon upon the icon of (or an alias to) Script Editor. You can also select the menu item:
View PageSpinner Dictionary
in PageSpinner's AppleScript menu to see the information about the scripting commands in Script Editor.When you display the application's dictionary in Script Editor you will see several events and objects listed in the Core Suite, please note that some of these, such as selection-object, character, text style info and insertion point, are not supported.
The window, document, and application objects are supported though, so you can e.g., save or make a document, or close a window.
You will primarily use the verbs and objects in the PageSpinner Suite and Miscellaneous Suite when scripting PageSpinner.
Additional notes:
The do script command support PageSpinner's internal command language that is used when creating PageSpinner menu extensions. It is not of much practical use in AppleScripts though.
You are recommended to only use do menu as a last resort when scripting PageSpinner, since the menu names are subject to change. Use the AppleScript keywords as much as possible.